Installing Zorg should be a relatively simple process on any device. This guide will take you through the steps that are required to get your project up and running!
Intel has created a great guide on how to configure your Intel Edison board. If you haven't done this yet, it is highly recommend that you start there.
Once you have properly configured your Intel Edison board, you should install pip. This is the recommended method for installing python packages and their requirements. The Intel Edison is powered by Yocto but pip has not been added to the official repositories yet, therefore we need to add the unofficial repositories. Intel IoT Developer Kit libraries.
$ vi /etc/opkg/base-feeds.conf
Add the following three repositories using vi.
src/gz all
src/gz edison
src/gz core2-32
Save and close the file.
$ opkg update
$ wget
$ python --no-check-certificate
Then update the package list.
PIP is now installed, however it requires
to be installed before PIP can install any Python packages.
The setuptools package can be installed on the Intel Edison
through an easy manual installation.
Once the easy setup file has been downloaded, run it.
Now you will be able to install packages on your Intel Edison using PIP.